Welcome to the Neshoba County Tax Assessor / Collector web page. Here you will find information about our office and descriptions of our duties, plus our office address, telephone numbers, and email address. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you.
Mike Lewis, Neshoba County Tax Assessor / Collector
401 Beacon Street, Suite 105
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: 601-656-4541
Fax: 601-656-5121
E-mail: mlewis@neshobacounty.net
Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM (excluding holidays)
Mike Lewis is serving his sixth term as Neshoba County Tax Assessor/Collector. Mike is married to the former Sharon Waddell. Mike and Sharon are parents to three children, Casey Lewis, Kyle Barrett and Cody Barrett.
Mike is a 1983 graduate of Neshoba Central High School, a 1985 graduate of East Central Community College with a degree in Data Processing. In his spare time he enjoys playing golf, attending Mississippi State University Sporting events and working with the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Park System.
Mike Lewis was elected Tax Assessor-Collector of Neshoba County in November 2007. He took office on January 7, 2008.
- Search Land Records
- Search Land Roll
- View Neshoba County Ownership Maps
- Contact American Financial Credit Services
- Phone - 317-705-4237 / Toll Free: 888-317-2327
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM
Duties and Responsibilities - Tax Collector
The office of the Tax Collector is established by Article 5, Section 135 of the Mississippi Constitution. This position is elected for a four-year term by the county at large. The Tax Collector is responsible for the collection of taxes on real property, personal property, manufactured homes, automobiles, motorcycles, motor homes, trailers and airplanes.
Statute allows the payment of real property taxes in installments as long as the first payment is at least one-half of the taxes due and is made by February 1st following the tax year for which payment is collected. Installment payments are subject to 1% per month interest on the unpaid balance for the second and third payments. One-fourth (1/4) of the remaining balance is due on or before May 1st and the remaining one-fourth (1/4) or remaining balance with interest is due on or before July 1st.
Use tax is collected on items brought to the State of Mississippi by residents for first use, storage or consumption. Sales Tax is collected on casual sales of motor vehicles between individuals.
The Tax Collector must advertise and hold a tax sale once a year for any unpaid taxes on real estate or any special assessments. Accurate records must be kept at all times, since this office is involved in the collection of taxes that help fund a variety of government services.
Duties and Responsibilities - Tax Assessor
The Tax Assessor is required to annually locate, class and assess all taxable property within the County, and is responsible for setting fair, uniform and accurate values for each parcel of real and personal property. The Tax Assessor is also charged by the Board of Supervisors to maintain current ownership maps of the county. In addition to these appraisal duties, we work daily with local and national agencies to promote the economic well being of the County and its citizens.
The Assessor lists and places a value on all real estate within the county and also on personal property (which includes such things as machinery, office equipment, and similar items). Maps, records, and other documents are kept to help establish the value of such property. The Assessor presents these tax rolls to the Board of Supervisors for approval. He or she also helps homeowners file for homestead exemption, which allows some of the homeowner's property to be exempt from property (ad valorem) taxes.
Neshoba County Tax Assessor-Collector, Mike Lewis reminds Neshoba County Citizens about the annual deadline of April 1, of each year for the filing of applications for New or Changed Homestead Exemption applications.
According to Mississippi State Law you must be in compliance with all of the following as of January 1 of the year application is made:
1. Applicant must be considered head of a family
2. Applicant must own the property and reside on the property on January 1 of the year the application is made
3. Property must be the primary residence of the applicant(s)
4. Applicant, applicant's spouse, and any joint owners must be bona fide residents of the state
5. Applicant(s) must be in compliance with the Mississippi income tax requirements
6. All vehicles owned by or in the possession of the applicant(s) must have Mississippi license plates
Applicant(s) can file for homestead exemption on only one residence in the state
First-Time Filing
Application for homestead exemption benefits must be filed between January 1 and April 1. The applicant must come in person to the Tax Assessor's office the first time to file for homestead exemption benefits. Each year after that the homestead exemption benefits are automatically renewed unless there is a change in the filing status.
Changes in Homestead Exemption Status
If any of the following changes occur, a new application must be filed in the tax assessor's office:
- Marriage, divorce, separation, or death of spouse or joint owner
- Change in ownership, use, or occupancy
- Acquisition of new property or change in property description
- First time to apply for being over sixty-five years of age or 100% disabled
If you no longer qualify for homestead exemption benefits, you must notify the assessor's office.
If you need additional information please call the Neshoba County Tax Assessors Collectors Office Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM at 601-656-4541 or by e-mail at mlewis@neshobacounty.net
Tax Office Staff
Annie L. Peebles, Bookeeper
E-mail: tcbookeeper@neshobacounty.net
Lakesha Jones
Kay Dearing
Comisha Moore
Emily Beckham
Kameryn Grimes