How Do I

Do I need a license or a permit to open a business?

Yes. If the business is located inside the city limits, a license will be issued by the city. If the business is outside of the city limits and inside the county, the county Tax Collector will issue your license.

How do I vote absentee?

You can request a ballot up to 45 days in advance through the mail, or you can visit the Circuit Clerk's office.

How do I obtain a marriage license?

The Circuit Clerk's office issues marriage licenses. Application is to be made by both applicants and if you are under 21, you must obtain your parent's (or guardian) signature on the application form.  Both applicants will need proof of identification and age.  

How do I obtain a passport?

You can visit the Circuit Clerk's office and bring 2 passport photos, a birth certificate with a seal, and a picture id. It takes about six weeks to receive your passport.

Are land records open to the public?

Yes, land records are available for public inspection at the Chancery Clerk's office from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

How do I ask questions about jury duty?

You should call the Circuit Clerk's office.

How do I obtain a 911 address?

Your 911 address is assigned by the Neshoba County Emergency Management Agency. It is helpful to know your road number and the addresses of your nearest neighbors. You may contact emergency managment at:

911 Chesnut Street
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: 601-656-3121
Fax: 601-656-2941

When I sell my car, do I keep the tag / license plate?

Yes. You may also be eligible for a credit against future taxes. If the tag has not expired, take the tag and your original receipt to the Tax Collector for a credit voucher.

Where do I buy a car tag / license plate?

Car and truck tags are issued by the Tax Collector. You have 7 working days from the date of purchase to register your vehicle. New residents moving from another state have 30 hays to obtain a new plate. It is helpful to bring your automobile registration and/or title. New residents from another county in Mississippi can wait until their next renewal to change plates. Tags are usually valid for a period of one year from the date they are issued.

How do I file for homestead exemption?

Visit the Tax Collector's office between January 2 and April 1.

How do I register to vote?

In order to register, go to the Circuit Clerk's office. It is helpful to know your 911 address and social security number. The minimum voting age is 18. You must register at least 30 days prior to any election to be entitled to vote in that election.